Would this imagery work anywhere but Minnesota? I have been in love with the marketing campaign of the Minnesota state fair for years. They illuminated a brand that might not work anywhere but Minnesota. 

Imitation being the sincerest form of flattery, I did my best to flatter the creators of the State Fair marketing campaigns. Fun being fundamental in marketing a casino, it seemed obvious that a fun seasonal event to tie a promotion to would be the Minnesota State Fair.

My design also illustrates the point that a good advertising message can be wholly emotional. Deep-fried Cash on a Stick is, very nearly, meaningless (I wonder if anyone HAS ever tried to fry money). What it DOES say is Minnesota State Fair. The Great Minnesota Get Together is fun, it’s summer, it’s a holiday from the same, it’s even family and the joy of remembered youth for some. Tying a cash giveaway promotion to those emotions changes a simple, “Here, have some free money” into a much more appealing promotion.